Dynamic Analysis on a Sub-Scaled Physical Model of a 4-Ton Truck Composite Ladder Type Cassis Paper No. 2024-DF-08 Section Research Papers


Dr. Madhavi M.
B. Sai Maanas
Karthik Rajasekar


Composites are materials created by combining dissimilar materials with a view to improve their properties or to create materials with desired properties. Advanced fibre-reinforced polymer composites have emerged as an important class of engineering materials for load-bearing applications with all-round properties for many engineering and social applications.

The automobile chassis is the basic framework where major systems like transmission, steering, suspension, braking, etc are attached to and supported by the chassis frame. When the vehicle travels along the road, the chassis is subjected to excitation from the engine and transmission system as well as due to the road profile. Due to these excitations, the chassis begins to vibrate. If the natural frequency of the vibration coincides with the frequency of external excitation, resonance occurs, which leads to excessive deflection and failure. In such critical conditions, the material of the chassis plays a key role in damping the vibrations. Fibre-reinforced composites proved to crave high specific strength and good damping properties.

The aim of the work is an experimental investigation of dynamic analysis of a sub-scaled model of a 4-ton truck composite chassis. In the present work, an attempt is made to develop E-glass/ Epoxy pultruded chassis frame.

Keywords: Excitation, Fibre Reinforced, E glass/ Epoxy, Pultrusion method


How to Cite
M., D. M., B. Sai Maanas, & Karthik Rajasekar. (2024). Dynamic Analysis on a Sub-Scaled Physical Model of a 4-Ton Truck Composite Ladder Type Cassis: Paper No. 2024-DF-08. ARAI Journal of Mobility Technology, 4(2), 1147–1157. https://doi.org/10.37285/ajmt.4.2.8


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