This journal is open to all researchers worldwide for contribution and publication, and it is targeted at scholars, academicians, and professionals involved in the automotive industry.

Authors can electronically submit articles anytime using the "Article Submission System." The submitted articles must be original and not under consideration elsewhere. They should also align with the journal's aim and scope. All submissions undergo a double-anonymized peer-review process, and the editors hold the authority to reject articles without sending them out for review.

Similarity Index

  1. 15% or below: We will consider it and send the paper to the editorial board for peer review. A paper will go through peer review twice.
  2. 16% to 30%: We will send the paper to the author to revise and re-submit and will check for plagiarism once again.
  3. 31% and above: We will not consider the paper for publication.

Articles once submitted cannot be withdrawn. Authors can streamline proofreading tools such as Grammarly, QuillBot, etc. to enhance their articles. Authors should retain copyright to publish their articles; furthermore, authors should familiarize themselves with the journal's editorial and publishing policies.

After the detailed peer-review process, final approval of the article, and submission of the required documents, the article will be sent for design in the standard format, proofreading the corrections, and editors will assign the article to the specific issue (see archive) and it will be published online immediately. The authors will also get information accordingly.

  • Free publication: No article processing charges
  • Fair evaluation: Rapid and prompt processing of manuscripts, fair peer and editorial evaluation process.
  • Online access: All published articles are available online at the journal website up to the abstract level and except current issue, all issues are open-access
  • DOI Listed: All articles are made available online via DOI listing.

Journal Particulars

Title ARAI Journal of Mobility Technology
Abbreviation ARAI J. Mobi. Tech.
Acronym AJMT
ISSN (Online) 2583-3707
CrossRef Yes
Publisher The Automotive Research Association of India, Pune
Editor-in-Chief Dr. S. S. Thipse
Copyright The Automotive Research Association of India, Pune
Publication Started 2021
Subject Engineering (Automotive)
Language  Engish
Publication format Online & Print
Publishing Frequency 04 Issues per year (Quarterly: January, April, July, October)
Phone No. 020-6762-1126
Email ID
Address  The Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI), Survey No. 102, Vetal Hill, off Paud Road, Kothrud, Maharashtra - Pune - 411 038, India.