Rear Axle Whine Reduction by Gear Contact Patch Optimization Paper No.: 2024-AC-10 Section Technical Papers


Atul A Gaikwad
Shriniwas D Chivate
Dr. Nagesh H Walke


In-cab whine is a highly annoying phenomena in all the category of vehicles. The in-cab noise of passenger vehicle with Rear Wheel Drive ( RWD) considered for this study consist of axle whine noise. The whine noise is heard at multiple speeds during Wide Open Throttle (WOT) as well as coasting. To resolve the issue of whine noise, series of measurement are carried out to identify the source and transfer path of the whine. The noise measurement revealed that rear axle pinion mesh order is responsible for in-cab whine. It is confirmed through measurement that the whine is structure borne. The order based operational deflections shapes of rear axle show excessive vibration on differential nose in affected speed zones. It is thus learnt that whine is due to poor contact pattern of pinion and crown wheel of the rear axle. The three resonances in operation range amplify this mesh order resulting in whine. It is decided to work on noise source i.e. gear rather than transfer path. The hypoid gear design is optimized through Tooth Contact Analysis (TCA). The lapping and heat treatment processes of gear manufacturing are modified. The contact pattern of optimized gear is identified on gear tester machine. Significant improvement is observed in contact pattern. The in-cab noise measurement is carried out with optimized hypoid gear and it is found that the whine is completely eliminated.

Keywords: Rear axle, Whine reduction, Gear contact, Patch optimization, Rear Wheel Drive, Whine Source, Vibration on Transfer Paths, Noise Generation, Hypoid Gear, Heat Treatment


How to Cite
Atul A Gaikwad, Shriniwas D Chivate, & Dr. Nagesh H Walke. (2024). Rear Axle Whine Reduction by Gear Contact Patch Optimization: Paper No.: 2024-AC-10. ARAI Journal of Mobility Technology, 4(1), 1059–1070.


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