Studying Forces on Three Different Designs of Formula 1 Front Wing


P. Nimje
R. Kakde


A simulation-based study of three different types of front wing designs used in the modern Formula 1 cars was done. The study mainly focuses on the aerodynamic forces that a Formula One car generates mainly the Downforce, the Drag force, & the Lateral force. These forces were studied in detail & taken a closer look at how do they migrate during the dynamic conditions the car is thrown into namely at various Ride Height changes, at various Side Slip (Yaw) Angles. A further elaborative study of the force builds up across the span of the wing was studied giving us a better picture of the concentration of the Downforce, drag force, & Lateral force being generated which will help us to correlate the pressure distribution data across the wingspan to the actual downforce concentration figures. A brief study of the flow field & flow lines was conducted along with the vortex generation for all three wings. A short comparison was made between the modern wing & a wing Ferrari used in the 1998 season, which will help us to understand the inherent problems that those designs had & how modern wings get around those.

Keywords: Aerodynamics, CFD, Formula 1, Front wing, Vortex, Y250 Vortex


How to Cite
P. Nimje, & R. Kakde. (2022). Studying Forces on Three Different Designs of Formula 1 Front Wing. ARAI Journal of Mobility Technology, 2(4), 332–365.


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