Effect of Electron Beam Oscillation on Evolution of Microstructure in Ti6Al4V Alloy Weldments Paper No.: 2024-GI-04 Section Research Papers


G Saidulu
Earla Sri Vidya
Yadagiri Amshitha


Electron Beam Oscillation refers to the movement of the electron beam during welding or other processes. This movement can affect the heat input and distribution, which in turn can impact the microstructure and properties of the material being processed. Ti6Al4V is a common titanium alloy that is known for its high strength, corrosion resistance and biocompatibility. Understanding how electron beam oscillation affects the properties of this alloy having important implications for its use in various applications. The study likely involves conducting experiments where Ti6Al4V samples are subjected to different levels of electron beam oscillation and then analyzing their microstructure, micro hardness, and tensile strength. The results of the study can help to provide insights into the optimal conditions for processing Ti6Al4V using electron beam oscillation and also contribute to our overall understanding of the behavior of this alloy.

Keywords: Component, formatting, style, styling


How to Cite
G Saidulu, Earla Sri Vidya, & Yadagiri Amshitha. (2024). Effect of Electron Beam Oscillation on Evolution of Microstructure in Ti6Al4V Alloy Weldments: Paper No.: 2024-GI-04. ARAI Journal of Mobility Technology, 4(3), 1210–1224. https://doi.org/10.37285/ajmt.4.3.4


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