A Comprehensive Review of Recent Developments on the Natural Fiber Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites for Automotive and Sports Application: Materials, Processes and Properties Paper No.: 2024-GI-09 Section Review Papers


H V Sunil
E. Basavaraj


Now a days, the world has been evolving and adapting to advance technology; as a result, the development and expansion of Composite materials have been growing day by day.. Natural fibres are a feasible and eco-friendly alternative to synthetic fibres for polymer composite reinforcing. Materials are attractive because they are economical, environmentally friendly, abundant in nature, and have mechanical properties[60]. Natural fibres are given first priority above all other types of fibres due to their appealing qualities include biodegradability, minimum cost, environmental friendliness, high strength-to-weight ratio in engineering goods, and low health risks. An overview of recent trends in physio mechanical characteristics, thermal properties, morphological behaviour, surface treatment, design optimisation with the ANOVA technique, the effect of Mercerization and SEM analysis, microstructural interfacial adhesion, and the various methodologies used to measure these properties.

Keywords: Natural fiber polymer composites, Physio mechanical properties, SEM Analysis, Thermal properties, ANOVA technique, Applications.


How to Cite
H V Sunil, & E. Basavaraj. (2024). A Comprehensive Review of Recent Developments on the Natural Fiber Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites for Automotive and Sports Application: Materials, Processes and Properties: Paper No.: 2024-GI-09. ARAI Journal of Mobility Technology, 4(3), 1260–1272. https://doi.org/10.37285/ajmt.4.3.9


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